What You Can Do

“Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchmen waketh but in vain” (Psalm 127: 1-2).

In addition to our dependence on the Lord, we are also dependant on your financial and prayer support for the mission to continue. God has richly blessed us in the past, and we look forward to His provision in the future. Here’s how you can help:


Please remember our work in your prayers.  Pray that God would continue to bless our labours in Sumba. Pray that Mr. Sommer would be given strength to continue his labours along with the rest of the staff labouring there. Pray that the eyes of the blind would be opened to see their sin, and that by faith they would find mercy and forgiveness in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Your donations keep our work going. Please consider financially supporting us.  We have no administrative costs.  All of your money goes directly to the work of spreading the Gospel by Word and deed. Please click on the “Donate” tab for more information on how to support us.